The Onboarding Tool of Choice

Are you making your new hires feel welcome, comfortable, important, and understood?

Here at PsychoGeometrics, we believe these four things are an important part of the onboarding process, and yet nearly 70% of new hires say the onboarding process made them feel as if others were, at best, indifferent to their needs.

If you want to raise the probability that your new employees feel welcome, comfortable, important, and understood, make the Shapes Assessment part of your onboarding process and the Shapes language part of your culture.

Using the Shapes Assessment powered by PsychoGeometrics promotes a culture that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion. New hires can instantly engage with their new team members by using the company’s common Shape language to learn more about each other and the various functions within the business. This gives the new hire an advantage to navigating their way through their first few weeks of the onboarding process, especially when the onboarding specialists, mentors, and leaders also know the Shapes Language.

Download Onboarding Overview PDF

How can our company use the Shapes Assessment as part of our onboarding process?

As part of your onboarding process, have your new hire take the Online Shapes Assessment by providing a link and access code that you can generate through your company’s personal account and dashboard on the PsychoGeometrics website. Or if you prefer, your company has the option to pre-purchase Shapes Assessments (and all Shapes Online Learning Modules) with preassigned access codes. Your company also has the option to purchase a subscription so that you can provide the Shapes Assessment and the Online Learning Modules on your own Learning Management System (LMS).

How much does it cost?

The Shapes Assessment is $34.95 per person.

Save with Bulk Options and Turn-Key Subscriptions for the Shapes Assessment and Online Learning Series. Use our LMS or yours. Customized platforms can be created to represent your company logo and branding guidelines.

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